The Faithful Agent

Tuesday Shorts: How to Create Your Own Scoreboard

Garrett Maroon

In this episode, Garrett discusses the concept of the common agent scoreboard and how to create a personalized scoreboard that aligns with one's values and priorities. He emphasizes the importance of measuring success beyond financial goals and business achievements, focusing on family, relationships, and personal well-being.


  • Success should be measured beyond financial and business achievements, taking into account personal priorities and relationships.
  • Creating a personalized scoreboard allows individuals to align their goals with their values and priorities, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.
  • The Lord has different roles and callings for each individual, and success should be defined based on one's unique purpose and responsibilities.
  • Measuring success should include considerations for family, relationships, personal well-being, and business goals, creating a holistic approach to achievement.


Redefining Success: Beyond Financial Goals

Creating Your Personal Scoreboard: Aligning Goals with Values

Family, Relationships, and Personal Well-being

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What is up faithful agents, welcome back to another Tuesday short episode. It is a joy to be with you all. And today we're going to dive more intently and deeper into the common agent scoreboard and how to actually build your scoreboard at the request of one of our amazing local groups in the triad of North Carolina. You know who you are and guys, if you're not part of a local group, you need to become part of a local group. gathering together with other believers in your area is one of the greatest things we can do. I was just sharing with someone how my group is actually meeting tomorrow, but last week we had an impromptu hangout because we just miss each other. There's so much joy in Christians in real estate being together. So if you're not part of a local group, go to faithfulagent .com, click local groups. You can find one there or you can start one if there isn't one in your area, but go be. part of one of those. Today again, we're going to dive into you've heard me if you haven't heard me talk about the scoreboard, go listen to one of the old episodes. There's lots of them out there about ways that we define our own success and what scoreboards what should actually be on our scoreboard is it's not just about how much money did you make? How many homes did you sell? Right? All of those things. How big is your team? That's not the point of this, right? The Lord has more for us. So even in my own scoreboard now, yes, there's a financial goal. But my other goals, I'm looking at it right here on my, on my whiteboard. Yes, there's a financial goal, but then it's take every seventh week off to be with my family. And the third one is to have a four night trip with my wife, Rachel. We've got a seven, five, two, and almost one year old. So just having time together is a hugely valuable thing. So how are we going to keep score and let's make sure we're measuring the things we truly care about and what actually matters. So we're going to dive into that a little bit today, but before we do, as always, I want to tell you a good. a chat GPT Christian story joke of the week. That was the longest introduction in title of that. I just I just I can't say Google. I chat GPT. I don't even know. I prompted it to tell me a funny Christian short story. So we're going to read this together. We'll see how it goes. One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex was staring up at a large plaque that hung in the church's entryway. The plaque was covered with names and small American flags. The seven -year -old had been staring at the plaque for some time. So the pastor walked up, stood beside the boy and said quietly, good morning Alex. Good morning pastor replied the young man still focused on the plaque. Pastor, what is this? Well son, it's a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service, explained the pastor. Soberly they stood together staring at the large plaque. Finally, little Alex's voice barely audible and trembling with fear asked, which service, the nine or the 11? That's fantastic. That's good. Chat GBT's get better at it. It must be because of all my prompts for Christian jokes and rejecting the ones that aren't Christian enough. Maybe I am single handedly changing chat GBT and to be more reformed Baptist. That's not true. Anyways, that was great. I thank you chat GBT, whoever you are. We appreciate you. What a great joke. All right, let's dive into. The common agent scoreboard again, the question of going more deeply into the scoreboard and how do you actually create your own scoreboard? So very brief overview. Here's the reality in our industry. What is often, told us, well, we were often told is this is how you measure success. How many deals did you do? how much money did you make? Right? What was your GCI? What was your profit? Did you get an award at realtor prompt at the end of the, at the end of the year? if you have a team, how big is your team? Right? All of those things. The industry says this is what success looks like. They even go as far to say, this is how you become successful. It's this one size fits all approach and it's just wrong, right? It's just, just not accurate, especially for us as believers. Every one of you was made for a different purpose. Every one of you was given different skillsets. Every one of you was created to serve a specific. role, right? The Lord specifically created you for a specific purpose. And so in this industry is so common for us to try to be all things to all people. You better be good at cold calling, door knocking, open houses, referrals, buying leads, all the stuff, right? And if you're not good at all those things, you're not going to be good at this. Well, the truth is you were created for a very unique purpose with unique skill sets that not everybody has. So. We don't have time to go in today, but your job at the end of the day, here's what I want you to understand, Christian agent, your job is to understand how the Lord made you and just go be excellent at that. Many of you who have listened, you know my story. I've been a hundred percent referral for 10 years since the day I came in. And why has it worked? It's because that's who I am. If I was told that I, and I was told, but if I had listened to someone who told me that I had to cold call all day, I would not even be in this industry anymore. Cause number one, I wouldn't have been good at it. And number two, I would have been burned out of it. Even if it did work, I would have been burned out. Why? Because that's not who I am. I wasn't created to be that. So let's not just do what the industry tells us. Let's create our own way to keep score. Right? So it's more than just how many deals, how much money do you have an award at the end of the year? So much more than that. If you look at your neighbor next to you and they did 50 deals last year, and you look and say, you did 20 deals and you picked up your daughter from school every day. That's not failure, right? That's not failure. If that was you being excellent in what you did and you sold 20 homes so that you could be excellent in your home, picking up your daughter, that's a good and God honoring business. That's what success looks like. So how do we create our own scoreboard? Let me ask you some questions, some questions that I had to ask myself when it came to. Creating my own scoreboard and here's the overarching theme. Here's the overarching theme as you go to create your scoreboard Lord you're asking the Lord Lord. Who do I need to show up more show up for more often? That's the question Lord. Who do I need to show up for more often? Right at the end of the day, that's the right question because when we look at all these things, you can go back, listen to the podcast on the hierarchy of attention and, and hear me talk through those. But when we look at all of these pieces, right at the end of the day, our, our clients can get a new agent, but your kids can't get a new mom. Your kids can't get a new dad. Right. You have specific biblical calling on who you need to show up for. So the first question is Lord, who do I need to show up more for? Right. That could be your kids. It could be your spouse. It could be whatever. And so you need to figure that out first because whoever that is, whatever that answer is, they have to go on your scoreboard somehow. Okay, I'm going to walk through more practically here in just a minute. But here's some other questions. Of course, it's necessary for you to say, how much money do I need to make? Right. But I would say this. The first question is how much money do I need to make? Right. How much do I need to make? Because oftentimes we set a goal so high that in order to achieve it, we've got to work so much to get there. Right. that we just are never satisfied with what's coming in. And so we end up working 60, 70 hours a week or answering the phone at dinner or whatever, because we just think we've got to hit this certain financial goal and we don't. So how much money do I need to make? Right. That's the first question. Now, when it comes to finances, there's no set rule. I'm not going to put a rule where scripture doesn't. But the reality is you should aim for something. Right. You should say if I'm excellent and I'm excellent in all these things, how much money can I make? Right. What does excellence look like? You should have a goal. You should have something that's going to stretch you a little bit, right? Don't make this so simple and easy that you don't even have to be good at what you do in order to make it. But you want to be honest and that's a prayerful consideration. Lord, how much money do I need to make? Right? What do you want me to aim for? Right? When it comes to money, just aiming for those things. But if all of a sudden you say, well, I better make a million bucks. I don't know if that's true, maybe that is what you need, but what if what you need is $200 ,000 and you're like, I just got to become more excellent. What if what you need is $70 ,000 and you got to go be more excellent. Don't set a goal so high. Here's the point. Don't set a financial goal so high that it requires you to ignore all the other responsibilities in your life. That's my point. All right. So how much money do I need to make? Number two, how much time each week do I want for whatever it is dates, kids, alone time, hobbies, whatever. Right. So for me personally, so my wife and I try to go on a date at least once a month, leave the house and every other week we sit at home, we send the kids upstairs early. They watch a movie while we spend some time together. How much time do you want for your kids? So for me that came down to that's why I take every seventh week off, right? I'm trying to spend time, make sure I spend time with my kids and doing intentionally a alone time or reading or hobbies, whatever it is. you gotta ask those questions. As I said earlier, who in my life needs me to be more present? Right? Number three. Number four. What can I do to show up better for them? Five. How much sleep would I like to get each night? What hours do I want to work each day? How much time off do I want to take this year? And then number eight. Who in your family is wishing they could spend more time with you, but you've been chasing the wrong scoreboard this whole time? Who in your family's wishing they could spend more time with you, but you've been chasing the wrong scoreboard this whole time? Here's the reality is you start to get clear on what it is that you believe the Lord desires you to go after. First and foremost, you can look at scripture again, as I often say, but the reality is for me as a husband and as a dad, scripture has said plainly what my responsibility is as a husband and as a dad. It's plain what I'm supposed to do there. So I've got to show up, right? I have to show up as a husband. I have to show up as a dad. So they must. go on my scoreboard because what you measure you do, right? And if you don't measure it, you end up forgetting about it. So they had to go on my scoreboard. Now being a good husband and dad is not a simple measurement of I did this and I did that. I don't mean that, but in order to remind me that I need to show up in the ways I need to show up and the people that I am biblically responsible for, I had to put them on a scoreboard. For my wife, that's what it is, four night trip with my wife, Rachel. for my kids take every seventh week off. So we have a six week rhythm and the seventh week is off so I can spend time with my family. And then I had to pray about my financial goal. That's what it was for me. It was this relatively simplified way to actually look at, did I accomplish this year what I set out to accomplish? And it's not just about my business numbers. It is so much greater than that. So as you sit and pray, Lord, who in my life needs me to show up more for them? Who in my life needs me to be more? present, right? What is my biblical responsibility and how do I shepherd that well? It's not to build a team that sells a million deals a year. That's not, it's scripture does not say that. Now that could be your personal calling, but scripture doesn't say that's what's required of you. It does say this is your job as a mom, as a, as a husband, as a single woman, as a single man, as a retired person. It doesn't matter whoever you are. Scripture has clarity there. So seek that and understand that and know that's how you need to show up. And then you just say, okay, I have to show up for my kids. I have to show up for my spouse. Now what are some ways I can measure that just to say I'm doing it well? Right. For me, for a long time, when I started the scoreboard, it was take every Friday off in the summer. So I was taking every Friday off so we could go to water country and we'd spend time together as a family. Right. It was take two day dates with my wife on Wednesday mornings. I would skip out of work and we would go hang out during the day. Now his life's gotten busier. We've had more kids. It's changed. Right. But it's still those same people that end up on my scoreboard so I can measure success. the way that I want to. And then what financial goal? My wife is blessed to stay home, homeschool our kiddos. So what amount of money do I need to make? And then what's my goal? Right? What do I need to make? And then what's my goal? And I want to be somewhere in between there, obviously at my goal. but I want to be somewhere in between there and not overwork so much chasing a goal that I forget the other two items on my scoreboard. Right? That's the goal. And now that you've got the scoreboard and it's going to change, it's going to shift a little bit, right? But now that you've got the scoreboard, every opportunity that shows up in front of you, you get to ask the question. Well, does it allow me to hit the financial goal? Does it allow me to hit my, my kid goal? Right? Let's say for example, this is me. Does it allow me to still take every seventh week off? Does it allow me to take four days, four night trip with my wife? Right? If the answer is no to any of those, then you don't do it. If the answer is yes, then cool. You can pursue that opportunity. The reality is this. We have to have our own way of keeping score. That's the point. You've got to get the nitty gritty. You've got to really understand what it is. I think it's three items. That's my opinion. Just three items on your scoreboard. And if you ask me, only one of those should be business related. The other two should be people related. That's my personal opinion. It's not a rule. You can have your own version of a scoreboard again. You should have your own. I'm not going to create it for you, but here's the reality. You have to define success the way you believe the Lord wants you to define success and then what you believe the Lord is calling you. You've got to seek that out. You've got to understand that and you've got to execute on those things at the end of the day The Lord might be calling you to sell ten homes a year so that you can pick up your daughter from school and The person next to you who could also be a believer is being called to sell a hundred homes a year Right and still pick up their daughter from school or whatever it is We can't look at each other and decide who's winning the game. That's just not true The Lord has different roles for every one of us ask the Lord. How do I keep score and write it down? and follow that. I hope that helps. I love you, faithful agents. I will see you on Thursday.